Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Social Media in our Life

On June, 23 Window on America Center for Future Leaders held an online meeting of English Speaking Club dedicated to "Social Media". Anna Reznik, the facilitator of this club's session prepared Conversation Cards where participants discussed different questions such as "What's your favorite thing about social media?", "What kind of information is in your profile?", "Do you think that what you see on social media is real or fake?" etc. We all agreed that people are addicted to different social media so we tried to find some good things about using them.

We also learned some of the most popular acronyms and slang words that are used in text messages.

 One of the fun activities we did was "Photo Captions" where our participants should have written the description to them. Thanks to American volunteers we could improve our English Speaking skills. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Play Board Games and Learn English

June, 18 Window on America Center for Future Leaders held an online meeting with active members of Speaking Club. This time we decided to play Board Games 🎲 and improve our speaking skills with American volunteers. First activity was “D-icebreakers” where Anna Reznik, the facilitator of this session, rolled a dice and participants should have answered that and more questions. After that we played a board game from "Activate: Games for learning American English" that is called “What someone does...”. We not just answered the questions but we also revised some vocabulary and tried to make up stories. Despite we had only 7 people it was really fun )))

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Let's talk about Exercise and Sports!

It’s summer time but English Speaking Club is continuing its work online and yesterday, June 16, Window on America Center for Future Leaders held a meeting dedicated to Exercises and Sports. We learned new English Vocabulary and Exercise Phrases and then discussed different questions. We also talked about "The Great Outdoors Activities" and shared our favorite ones.

 The participants also did a translation task where they had to interpret the story (which was told by one of the American volunteer) into Ukrainian language and then asked him following questions.
We are happy to announce that on Thursday, June 18 we'll have another session of Speaking Club where we are going to play Board Games and improve our English. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

English без кордонів!

Інформаційний центр "Вікно в Америку для майбутніх лідерів",  який діє на базі сектору документів іноземними мовами Херсонської обласної бібліотеки для дітей імені Дніпрової Чайки, розпочинає презентувати серію навчальних відео уроків з вивчення англійської мови: 
  • для дошкільнят та учнів початкових класів; 
  • для учнів середньої та старшої школи; 
  • англійська для студентів та дорослих.

Яскраві, пізнавальні та сучасні відеоролики стануть у нагоді батькам та малюкам, вчителям та вихователям, студентам та дорослим!  
З першим навчальним відео для дошкільнят та учнів початкових класів на тему "My Family" вже можна познайомитись на офіційному каналі Херсонської обласної бібліотеки для дітей імені Дніпрової чайки!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Transportation in a Pandemic

On June 02, 2020 Window on America Center for future leaders held an online English Speaking Club dedicated to "Transportation 🚢✈️🚆🚖 in Pandemic time". We discussed different questions and found out if our participants’ habits have changed through the quarantine. Some of our visitors started to walk 🚶‍♀️a lot or ride their bikes 🚲. Then we had a “Debate” activity where we all were divided into two groups and said our arguments about advantages and disadvantages of using cars 🚘🚖. At the end we played a "Guessing" game where everyone got a card with the topic and then explained the meaning of 6 words in it. Thanks to our friends from the United States for helping us to improve our English. Join us next Tuesday on skype at 2 pm.