Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Бібліотеки без кордонів

Бібліотека📚- це місце спокійного затишку з улюбленою книгою. Це «магічне» місце, у якому розкриваються усі твої таланти та збуваються мрії. Це просто приміщення з примірниками, де ти можеш знайти будь-яку книгу на твій улюблений смак. Такі відповіді ми отримали під час заходу «Бібліотеки без кордонів» з учнями 3 класу ЗЗНЗ №54, м.Херсон.

Під час нашої зустрічі ми віртуально мали змогу «подорожувати» найкращими бібліотеками світу та дізналися багато цікавих фактів про ці унікальні книгозбірні. Наприклад, у Норвегії можна повернути книгу у будь-яку публічну бібліотеку, не обовʼязково в ту, в якій ти її взяв. Або що публічних бібліотек набагато більше у США, ніж закладів швидкого харчування McDonalds.
І звісно ж що ми не оминули увагою нашу улюблену Херсонську обласну бібліотеку для дітей імені Дніпрової Чайки. Деякі учні побували там сьогодні вперше за допомогою VR туру, який представлений на сайті бібліотеки. Також ми пограли у захоплюючу гру “Scavenger Hunt”, де усі присутні знаходили певні предмети у відділах книгозбірні.
Дуже сподіваємося, що наша наступна зустріч вже відбудеться у стінах закладу оновленої будівлі 🙏

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Solar Eclipse is a big deal in the USA

This week lots of people in Canada, the USA and Mexico could observe the solar eclipse 🌓? So we just can’t help but talk about this rare phenomena during our English Speaking Practice. Plus there was our friend, VSPP Varley Paul who shared some pictures and videos with our group. One thing that I was amazed with is that American people drove lots of miles to make sure they could see the total eclipse 🌑. Also we discussed wheather we could go far to see it or not. And if yes how we’d get ready for it.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Stand-Up and other jokes

Prank, Dad Joke and Pun? What is the difference between these words? And yes, they are related to types of jokes.

Thus, on our English Practice we talked a lot about different jokes and we remembered some of the funniest things happened to us. Varieties of fun activities helped us learn more about American and British humor: we watched Stand Up videos, Prank Videos, looked at the Pun Jokes and retold these jokes.

Overall that meeting was full of laughs and positive moments 😊.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Time for Culture

The last English Speaking Club meeting was dedicated to Cultural features and we started with a question trying to find out what it it members love more movies 🍿 or plays in the theatre 🎭 . There were some who voted for both and some who chose movie option. Unfortunately Theatre becomes less popular among young generation but there are still so many good things about it. As we always do during our meetings - we discussed themed questions, revised the vocabulary and pretended to be film starts reading some monologues from famous movies.

Are you a cinema or theatre person?

Monday, March 18, 2024

"I wish I could..."

Do you know that sleeping is possibly the most important thing we can do for our physical, mental and emotional health? So last few sessions of English Speaking Practice we talked about sleeping routine, dreams and health.

We all dived into that topic and learned some common vocabulary, such as 👇
*nod off
*feel dopey
*crash out on
*hit the sack
*sleep like a log etc.
After that we looked through some 9 common dreams that most of us have had at least once in our life and found out their meaning.
A big appreciation to all who takes part in these meetings, whether you’re a participant or a native speaker 😊

Monday, March 11, 2024

Are you a saver or a spender?

Are you a saver or a spender? 🤑 That’s a very tricky question was asked our participants of English Speaking Club 🗣️. Most people said they were 50/50 and of course the expanses depend on different situations. As you understood the topic our last meeting was dedicated to money 💰 and purchasing 🛍️. We learned some phrases and expressions to talk about money and how to do the shopping in English; we discussed questions and had fun 🤩.

Do you want to learn English and improve your speaking while having fun? Join us 🤗

Monday, February 26, 2024

Life Lessons

How to be positive and successful in everyday life? Does it happen by chance or you have to work hard?

Last English Practice we talked about how to succeed in everyday life, how to be optimistic and of course how not to give up after some failures. Our friend and volunteer from Canada taught us some useful phrases and idioms which are very common. We all could improve our English practicing the vocabulary.

Friday, February 23, 2024

The life we used to have

How often do you dream about your future 💫?

Sadly nowadays that’s a tricky question for Ukrainians because when you’re away from home or your family you easily get worried. However we looked through some of the which are used to talk about the past events:

*a blast from the past,
*trip down memory lane,
*living in the past,
*turn back time,
*the good old days.

We all were reminiscing about the live we used to have using these phrases and shared positive experiences.
We do believe that we’ll have a peaceful life soon with our beloved ones 🙌

Monday, February 19, 2024

Being Unproductive

Why do many people like weekends but others can’t fully enjoy theirs? And would you say they are usually productive or unproductive?

The last English Practice we dedicated to the weekend and discussed different questions. Also there was one video shown “How to make the most of your weekend” with lots of great ideas and vocabulary. So after watching it we shared our thoughts and compared those ideas with our own activities we usually do during this time.

Thanks to our friends from the USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 who taught us some useful phrasal verbs to talk about our days off.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

What's love and kindness in this world?

What does it mean to be kind anyway🤔? Is it helping or giving? Should it be easy?

These questions were discussed during the last English Practice with our native speakers, VSPP Varley Paul and former PC Volunteer Nina Jackson.
We started off with an ice-breaker “Name it…” where our club’s members shared their thoughts about what love and kindness are.
After that we looked through some phrasal verbs and idioms related to the topic.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Imagine that...

Do you know how to use the Internet safely?

February 6 is considered as the Safer Internet Day so we couldn’t help but talk about it with the members of English Speaking Club. We started with the warm up activity “Imagine that…” and gave them some statements about different technologies so they would share their thoughts and opinions. After that our guest from Pennsylvania, VSPP Varley Paul taught us some English expressions and idioms. Thank you all for the opportunity to communicate with each other and have fun while learning English 😊

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Happy Birthday, dear library


February 1 is a really special day for our @library_kherson_ua because it’s the library’s birthday 🎉. And this year we’re celebrating its 100-anniversary. During this day we’d had different events for the visitors. Members of English Speaking Practice joined online and had a fun and engaging meeting. With the help of our American friends, former Peace Corps volunteers and VSPP we improved our English and revised some expressions and phrasal verbs playing “Namits” game.
Thank you dear friends and my beloved library for having such great events 🫶
Wish you all the best. We’ll definitely come back to Kherson and make you more beautiful for our guests 🙏

Monday, January 29, 2024

What is your signature dish?


Do you like cooking 🧑‍🍳? What’s your signature dish 🍲?
This topic we had last English Speaking Practice where we improved and boosted our vocabulary. There were two native speakers from the United States and Canada, who shared favorite dishes of their countries. We were impressed that they also cook borscht, varenyky and holubtsi. Our visitors were asked some of the discussion questions, after that we recalled our cooking new dishes experiences and shared how it went. One of the tasks was to read the Spaghetti Carbonara recipe 🍝 and find new cooking expressions. It was fun and engaging class which made our people get hungry at the end.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Hurdles in Learning Languages

Since last week we’ve had 2 great English Speaking Practices with native speakers from the USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦. We had a lot of discussion related to learning languages, hurdles and goals. It’s interesting because not only we want to improve the English but our foreign guests are working hard to learn Ukrainian 😊. So during our meetings we help each other to become better in speaking 🙌.

Do you have hard time understanding natives? Join us next Thursday and we’ll help you to be confident 😉

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thank You Day

    One of my favorite activities which I’m grateful for 🤗 that is Speaking Practice we have twice a week. I want to thank all of the participants who join and improve English with us, volunteers who help us with speaking, the Peace Corps who supports and find great people who collaborate with us.

    January 11th there’s an International Thank You Day so today’s meeting was dedicated to things we are all  thankful for. After that we learned some expressions we could use instead of saying typical one “Thank You” and we also reflected on the importance to be grateful. Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. It lets us pause for a moment to reflect on something we have in our life right now instead of always striving for more … the next goal, the new dress, the new toy, the new car, or the house renovation …

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

New Years Resolutions

It’s been a week of 2024 and we’ve already conducted 2 meetings of English Speaking Club dedicated to New Years Resolutions.
We started with some reflections and shared our happiest memories, biggest challenges and things we are grateful for. After that we examined the list of the UK’s top New Year’s resolutions according to Forbes and related them to ours.
Of course we learned some vocabulary and practiced it reading the article “Tips to keep your New Year’s Resolutions”, watched a video clip of Friends TV show and discussed some questions according to this topic. Hope everyone can keep their goals till the end of the year.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Start of 2024

Do you have a special recipe for Christmas cookies? Our guest, Varley Paul from the USA has one and shared it with the members of English Speaking Club. We met online with VSSP to improve our speaking skills 🇺🇸🇬🇧. We shared our favorite recipes of New Year dishes and imagined what the New Year would be like if we served only one meal 🍽️😉.