Thursday, October 31, 2019


Yesterday the @library_kherson_ua was full of visitors who came to celebrate halloween. Firstly all guests gathered at Window on America for Future Leaders Kherson where we got acquainted with their characters and talked a little about this holiday. We played popular games such as Spider Webs and Mummy and then we went around the library and did different activities.

In the art_department there was a "witch" who showed our visitors some funny videos and then they made masks for themselves. At the periodical_department our guests made cool black spiders on the sticks. And of course they danced a lot with "Just Dance". At the end of the meeting everybody took pictures in the Internet_center of the library and went Trick-or-Treating and got candies.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The International United Nations Day

What is the United Nations? What are the main goals of this organization? This topic was discussed yesterday at Window on America Center for future leaders during the meeting of Kherson Speaking Club. Peace Corps volunteers Whitney Cravens and Nina Jackson prepared a good presentation with lots of different activities that helped us to know more about the International United Nations Day. We started with debates and discussions where all were representing one country and found solutions to never go to war again. 

Then all members of the club played "What Country Am I?" and kahoot. And at the end we discussed more questions on this topic.

Meals around the world

Yestarday Window on America Center for future leaders met some children who came to improve their English with native speakers from the USA, Troy Burton and Ethan Robison. We talked about Food and shared our favorite recipes with each other. And of course we revised national dishes all around the world. We also played "Jeopardy" game where visitors tryed to answer questions on categories: Meals, Drinks, Fruit&Vegetables and Other. At the end of the meeting everybody got souvenirs, stickers with US symbols.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Kherson English Speaking Club

Yestersay there was really interesting topic about "Space" at Window on America for Future Leaders Kherson. About 20 visitors of Kherson English Speaking Club took part in this session.

Whitney Cravens prepared many good activities, such as Watching and discussing the videos, working in pairs and in groups, learning new space idioms etc. At the end we played an online game "Kahoot" that is always fun and hilarious.

Everybody even got their hometask for next week - watch some movies about space because next Thursday we are going to continue to talk about Space

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

English club

Last Sunday the active members of English club came to Window on America for Future Leaders Kherson to learn English and play games. Children of first group (5-7 age) revised words and phrases from the previous meeting.

And this time they enriched their vocubalary with Food words. We learnt a rhyme, sang a song and tryed ourselves as a chef while playing the game "Green Eggs and Ham: Speedy Dinner".

Kids liked it a lot. With the elder group we continued to get acquainted with each other and talked about our Daily Routine. Firstly we made a list of words related to this topic and then children worked in groups and discussed their typical week days.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Learning language Lifehacks

Everybody knows about the importance of learning languages and how it helps to reach some goals. And Kherson Window on America Center for Future Leaders decided to have the meeting of KhersonSpeakingClub dedicated "Languages in our life". This time Anna Reznik, the worker of Window on America for future leaders center, facilited the club. And of course with the help of PC volunteer, Whitney Cravens. 

We started with an "Ice-breaker" game where visitors wrote about their experience of learning. Then we watched a video and worked in groups having discussed some important questions kind of: what is the most/ the easiest thing about learning English? What methods are effective for you? We also shared some #lifehacks about our studying and practice the language. Also the audience got to know some Language Idioms and tried to make up sentences with them. And at the end of this session we played game "Talking Cards" and found out the right meaning of some confusing words such as Conductor, TV Show, Accurate, Figure, Electric, Velvet etc. Do you know what these words mean? Write in a comment....

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Конкурс соціальних відеопроектів «Чесність починається з тебе»

Запрошуємо учнів та студентів закладів освіти України (шкіл, коледжів, технікумів, училищ, інститутів, університетів та ін.) долучитись до IІI Відкритого всеукраїнського студентсько-учнівський конкурсу соціальних відеопроектів «Чесність починається з тебе».
Організатори конкурсу: Американські Ради з міжнародної освіти, Міністерство освіти і науки України, Проект сприяння академічній доброчесності в Україні (SAIUP), Проект USAID «Підтримка організацій-лідерів у протидії корупції в Україні «Взаємодія», Компанія «Антиплагіат», Могилянська школа журналістики.
Конкурс відбувається за підтримки Посольства США в Україні
Як взяти участь у конкурсі?
Створити та подати соціальний відеоролик, що мотивуватиме до відповідального, чесного навчання, відображатиме важливість якісної освіти у сучасному суспільстві та неприпустимість толерування випадків недоброчесності (списування, плагіату, хабарництва, кумівства, використання службового становища для особистих цілей тощо) в рамках навчального процесу та у житті.
Участь у Конкурсі мають право брати будь-які особи, що на момент проведення Конкурсу навчаються у закладах освіти України (будь-якої з форм навчання без обмежень щодо віку, статі, гендеру, сексуальної орієнтації чи віросповідання).
Конкурсні проекти соціальної відеореклами приймаються з 20 вересня до 17 листопада 2019 року. Результати конкурсу будуть оголошені 17 грудня 2019 року.
Деталі конкурсу за покликанням:

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Запрошуємо до участі в онлайн курсі «Академічна доброчесність для вчителів»

До уваги вчителів школи, педагогів закладів професійної та вищої освіти, а також усіх, хто цікавиться питаннями академічної доброчесності!
Представляємо вам онлайн курс з академічної доброчесності на платформі EdEra, який можна знайти за покликанням:
В межах курсу вчителі зможуть дізнатись:
як учитель чи вчителька 8-11 класів може сприяти формуванню культури академічної доброчесності в учнів;
як навчити уникати плагіату;
про роль оцінювання у формуванні академічно доброчесного середовища;
про професійну орієнтацію, освіту після школи та важливість свідомого, проінформованого вибору

До матеріалів курсу входять:
Серію відео-лекцій щодо аспектів доброчесності у навчанні
Методичні рекомендації щодо формування культури доброчесності в учнів початкової, середньої та старшої школи
Зошит з вправами, які учні можуть виконувати разом із вчителем під час занять
Сценарії уроків та презентації
Інтерактивні тести для школярів
Інфографіку “Зрозуміло про академічну доброчесність”

Крім цього, в учасників є можливість отримати сертифікат про успішне проходження курсу.

Матеріали та курс розроблено за підтримки Посольства США в Україні в рамках Проекту сприяння академічній доброчесності в Україні (SAIUP)

Friday, October 4, 2019

Kherson English Speaking Club to try themselves in leading the meetings

Last Thursday, #peace_corps volunteers volunteers, Nina Jackson and Whitney Cravens offered the members of Kherson English Speaking Club to try themselves in leading the meetings. So yesterday one of the active members Victoria had this session. With the help of american friends, she did a great job.

 We were talking about World Cuisines and got to know about popular food trends around the world. Then we worked in groups and created new recipes of some dishes. At the end we treated ourselves with different fruit which Vika brought to Window on America for Future Leaders Kherson.
Come every Thursday at 4 pm and have fun with us. See who's gonna lead the club next time.

What places are popular around the world?

 Some visitors of CoolSpeaking club came to Window on America for Future Leaders Kherson to talk on this topic with american volunteers, Troy Burton and Ethan Robison. They told us about famous places to visit in the USA and children made a list of Ukrainian.

 We imagined about traveling and countries that we would like to visit and why. And of course whenever we are we should follow the road rules so there was a matching game where all visitors should have matched the road sign and its meaning. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

How does the library help you to learn English?

Yesterday, PC volunteers, Whitney Cravens and Nina Jackson shared some lifehacks about learning foreign languages with students of the school of liberal art at the Window on America for Future Leaders Kherson.

 Firstly they found out about the resources which are available in library then students talked about SDL (self directed learning) and made a list of challenges, importance etc. Our volunteers told pupils how they learn ukrainian and what difficulties they have sometimes.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

English Club meetings with children

On Sunday Window on America for Future Leaders Kherson met children aged 5-11 years old who attend English Club on Sundays. There were two groups of kids where we played, learnt new words and spoke English. With little ones we revised colors and began to learn Fruit and Vegetable vocabulary. 

Children were taught how to describe fruit and vegetables by saying its size and color. Then we listened to a Fruit song. With elder kids we introduced ourselves and talked about Leisure. They found out about the difference between Free time - Spare time - Leisure time. At the end we played an online game "Kahoot" and just had fun.