Monday, August 12, 2024

We're still young enough!

Do you consider yourself a young person? And does age matter if you want to start doing something new?

On International Youth Day, which is August 12, we had an incredible English Speaking Practice called “We’re still young enough”. It was so engaging because all participants talked so much about their attitude to this holiday and youth in general, their life experiences and future plans. One girl said that if you have plans for the future and you’re enjoying what you have now - you can relate to youth 🙌🤗.
Also there was one speaking activity which took us most of time - visitors had to name advantages and disadvantages of being different ages (7, 14, 21, 40, 60). 

We all came to conclusion that we should make the most of each day no matter what and no matter how old we are. I just want to wish everyone always have the courage to follow your dreams and the wisdom to make them a reality. 💫

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