Monday, June 24, 2024

Saying "NO": is it so easy?

Finally, after a week of break because of the electricity issue, we could meet up for an English Practice🤗. And how to say “No” to this such a nice group of people even if you’re tied up 🙃. By the way, how to say “No” politely and with gratitude - this and other questions we discussed during the meeting. Also we found out what are other phrases might be used instead of “I’m busy”.

Here are some examples of them: “I’m tied up”, “I have lots on my plate”, “My hands are full”, “It’s been a hectic day” etc. We all came up with an idea that it’s really not easy to refuse, but after watching a video we learned about some strategies which we could use in the future.

P.C. all the phrases, expressions and videos you can find in our telegram group, so please join us 👇

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