Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Youth Development

We’ve already started our new meetings for Youth Development supported by Peace Corps Ukraine. Yesterday we had a first session which was attended by more than 25 students originally from Kherson and Mariupol but reside in different parts of Ukraine and even abroad. There was also a special guest, a virtual service pilot participant from Texas, USA 🇺🇸, Alana Underwood, who agreed to help us improve our English and strengthen self resilience. So we all got acquainted with each other doing some speaking activities and asking questions to each other. We were so impressed with the level of their English - they sound really well.

For the next meeting we’re preparing a nice and important topic to discuss - “Setting goals and how to achieve them”. So if you’re interested in developing soft skills, please DM and join us online.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Service above self

It’s been a tradition to invite honored guests to our events on All Ukrainian Library Day (September 30). And even if we are not gathering in our 
@library_kherson_ua in Kherson we still keep doing that online. This year, English Speaking Practice invited an American citizen, a Former Peace Corps volunteer, a Rotarian and just a great person Geoffrey Deron Glen who moved to Ukraine right after the full scale invasion of Ukraine. One of the interesting facts about him is that he’s helping people and doing his best to support Ukrainians despite anything. During this online meeting we could get to know each other better asking different questions about his volunteering work, his dreams, thoughts and of course what things he find more interesting and attractive in Ukraine. It was a big pleasure for everyone to spend time together, having fun and sharing our stories and experiences.

“Together we can do more!” - don’t forget about it 😉.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Установча конференція Корпусу Миру США в Україні

Цей тиждень розпочався з гарною підтримкою від Корпусу Миру США в Україні, і зокрема Оксана Шабас, програмний менеджер з молодіжного розвитку, зібрала представників різних організацій, які працюють над молодіжними проєктами по всій Україні на установчій конференціі разом із учасниками пілотної програми віртуальної служби США 🇺🇸. Ми мали змогу представити нашу Херсонську обласну бібліотеку для дітей імені Дніпрової Чайки та програму з підтримки емоційного здоровʼя «Speak up!» для молоді з Херсону та Маріуполя. До речі, нашим партнером у цьому проєкті стала організація ЯМаріуполь, яка має 34 куточки у 21 місті України для людей які на превеликий жаль, були вимушені виїхати з міста під час війни. Віримо що ця програма не залишить байдужими нашу молодь та вони розширять свої знання з певних питань, отримають підтримку та нові знайомства 🤗.Незабаром розкажемо усі деталі 😉

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Comfrot and Annoyance

Is it easy for you to leave your comfort zone? What makes you feel annoyed mostly?
Last English practice was dedicated to one of the most popular topics nowadays, I guess.
We looked through different situations that are happening everyday, such as: being stuck in a traffic 🚗🚌🚏🚦; waiting in long queues; being interrupted while speaking or working 🗣️; organizing or planning the day etc. While we were imagining them we also talked about our emotions, whether we feel comfortable or irritated. After that we revised some grammar rules of using “Had Better and Would Rather” structures.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Did you know that?

Did you know that there are more than 150 phrases with “get”? 🫣How many of them do you use in your speech?

One of the best things about our English Speaking Practice is that we learn some new common phrases every time with native speakers. Thus on the last meeting we revised and improved advanced phrasal verbs with GET doing different exercises. We had a nice conversation with each other and used target vocabulary immediately after learning it.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started” - so start learning English with our community 🙌.

DM for details or join our telegram group https://t.me/+TS58W2NYNenDOTg0